📄️ Capistrano
Capistrano is a remote server automation and deployment tool written in Ruby.
📄️ Chromatic
Run the following command to run the pre-built Chromatic Pipeline in your project to publish your storybook to Chromatic:
📄️ Cloudflare
Run the following command to run the pre-built Cloudflare Pipeline in your project to deploy your Cloudflare Workers to Cloudflare:
📄️ Deno
Run the following command to run the pre-built Deno Pipeline in your project to deploy to Deno Deploy:
📄️ Dpl
Dpl (dee-pee-ell) is a deploy tool made for continuous deployment.
📄️ Firebase
Run the following command to run the pre-built Firebase Pipeline in your project to deploy your Cloudflare Workers to Cloudflare:
📄️ Flipt
Flipt enables you to follow DevOps best practices and separate releases from deployments. Built with high-performance engineering organizations in mind.
📄️ Fly
Run the following command to run the pre-built Fly Pipeline in your project to deploy your application to fly.io:
📄️ Ftp Deploy
Syncs a local folder with a remote folder over ftp.
📄️ Garden
Garden is a DevOps automation tool for developing and testing Kubernetes apps faster.
📄️ Helm
Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that helps you define, install, and manage Kubernetes applications.
📄️ Heroku
Run the following command to run the pre-built Heroku Pipeline in your project to deploy your application to Heroku:
📄️ Kubectl
Kubectl is the Kubernetes command-line tool that allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.
📄️ Mina
Mina is a blazing fast deployer and server automation tool.
📄️ Netlify
Run the following command to run the pre-built Netlify Pipeline in your project to deploy your application to Netlify:
📄️ OpenTofu
OpenTofu lets you declaratively manage your cloud infrastructure.
📄️ Pulumi
Pulumi is an open-source infrastructure as code tool that allows you to create, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure using familiar programming languages.
📄️ Railway
Run the following command to run the pre-built Railway Pipeline in your project to deploy your application to Railway:
📄️ Render
Render is a cloud platform for building and running web applications and websites.
📄️ Shuttle
Run the following command to run the pre-built Shuttle Pipeline in your project to deploy your Rust application to Shuttle:
📄️ Spin
Run the following command to run the pre-built Spin Pipeline in your project to deploy your application to Fermyon Platform:
📄️ Ssh
SSH is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. The best-known example application is for remote login to computer systems by users.
📄️ Terraform
Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code tool that allows you to create, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure using a declarative configuration language.
📄️ Terragrunt
Terragrunt is a flexible orchestration tool that allows Infrastructure as Code written in OpenTofu/terragrunt to scale.
📄️ Vercel
Coming soon...